Liana Nella-Potiropoulou
Liana Nella-Potiropoulou, co-founder of Potiropoulos D+L Architects, studied architecture under honorary scholarship at the National Technical University of Athens and received her Dipl Arch degree in 1984, being awarded twice the Technical Chamber of Greece Prize. In 1985 she received her MArch from the University of Pennsylvania in design and theory of architecture and was awarded the Frank Miles Day Memorial Prize for excellence in theory.
During her studies, Liana worked in the office of Prof. Pavlos Mylonas (1982-1982), and collaborated with the “Greek Centre of Product Design” (1983). After her graduation she worked for Alexandros Tombazis (1985-1989) and in 1989 she established her partnership with architect Dimitris Potiropoulos founding Potiropoulos D+L Architects. In their studio’s successful course, they have designed hundrends of projects, ranging from large scale including the Olympic Tennis Centre, the Olympic Aviation Hangar & Headquarters, and the Flisvos VIP Marina – to small scale residential and retail. Potiropoulos D+L Architects has been repeatedly awarded in competitions and has received numerous distinctions, among them the 2nd Prize for the New Acropolis Museum in collaboration with Daniel Libeskind, 1st Prize for the Samos Natural History Museum, Distinction for the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, whilst many realised projects are the result of these awards.
She was appointed adjunct lecturer and taught architectural design at the University of Patras Department of Architecture in 2000 and 2001. Her projects have been exhibited in Greece and abroad – “Modern Scapes – Greek Architecture in the 60’s and 90’s”, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Helsinki, Thessaloniki, 1999, “Athens Scape – The Olympics and the Metabolism of the City”, RIBA, London, 2003, “The Scientific Work of Women Engineers”, Athens, 2008 – “Shape of Space”, Athens, 2008 – “Residence in Greece from the 20th to the 21st century”, Athens 2009 and have been published in greek and international magazines. Liana Nella-Potiropoulou has lectured extensively presenting the work of the firm. In 2009, “Editions Potamos” published the monograph “Potiropoulos D+L Architects” with selected works of the office of the period 1989 to 2009, which is prefaced by Daniel Libeskind and Prof. Dimitris Philippides.
Liana’s interests lie in implementing design excellence and consistent philosophical approach in projects, thus challenging the dialogue of buildings with nature, technology, history and society. Her active involvement in all the design phases up to the supervision, combined with the establishment of solid relationships with the clients, the proficient project management and her persistence in perfection, has resulted in hundreds of realized successful projects of both the public and the private sector.